Ideal Pokies

Uptown Pokies Casino

Pokies, or slot games as other players call them, are among the most famous and popular games you could choose to play online or at a regular casino. More players than ever before are trying the online versions, purely because they are convenient and easy to access.

But which pokies should you play? A lot depends on your preferences, so let’s look at some of the options so you can figure out the answer that best suits you.

Three-reel pokies

These are games with just three reels. As such, there is a limit to the number of paylines you will play on. Many will stick to just one line, while others might have three, five, or more lines. The most way wins we have seen are 27 ways in a 3 x 3 slot game.

The size of a three-reel pokie means it has very few features included in it. This is great if you like straightforward games. You might have one or two wilds included, but this is by no means certain.

Five-reel pokies

Two additional reels make room for more paylines or ways to win. You also get more room for everything else, including wilds, scatters, and maybe some bonus icons as well. There is a greater chance you might be able to win some free games in these pokies, but there is no guarantee of that. As with any slot game, it is wise to review the paytable before you do anything else.

Bonus pokies

These could reasonably fall into either of the above two categories. Bonuses are harder to come by in three-reel slots, although they are not impossible to find. Often, they will be simple picking games, where you pick one of several items to see what you have won. In five-reel games, there is room for many other variations to occur.

The paytable reveals the details of any pokie or slot game

If you want to find a game you know you will love to play, the best way to do it is to review the information included on the paytable beforehand. This means you can work out whether the game gives you the reels, features, and bonuses you like. You could then take it for a practice spin before playing the real way. Just load the demo game instead of the real one to start with.